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Nolvadex Side Effects and Interactions

Nolvadex side effects include absence of menstrual periods, hot flashes, nausea, weight gain, cough, fluid retention and depression. Any of those that do not go away on their own and interfere with your ability to perform routine tasks need to be discussed with a qualified healthcare professional. In most cases, they are tolerable or reduce in intensity as the body gets used to the dose prescribed. Any other side effects that occur are likely to be severe and require your doctor's attention, so it's best to report them right away.

Certain other medications taken at the same time with Nolvadex can cause interactions and affect the treatment. For instance, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, which are prescribed for depression and anxiety management, can inhibit an enzyme known as CYP2D6. This enzyme has the important role of breaking down the active ingredient of Nolvadex into metabolites that are more potent than the original ingredient itself. Therefore, the fact of taking any antidepressants should be discussed with your doctor, as any antidepressants that are also selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors may need to be replaced with drugs from a different group that would not display this kind of inhibitory activity.

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