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Today special price for Synthroid


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How Synthroid works for hypothyroidism

Synthroid is a thyroid replacement therapy remedy that treats hypothyroidism. This condition occurs when your thyroid gland is unable to produce enough of the thyroid hormones your body needs. Goiter (enlarged thyroid glad) is another condition Synthroid can be prescribed for. It's usually caused by imbalanced hormones, as well as cancer, surgery or radiation treatment.

The active ingredient in Synthroid is levothyroxine, identical to the naturally produced hormone called thyroxin. The thyroid gland produced thyroxin (also known as T4) and tri-iodothyronine (often referred to as T3). The hormones are subsequently released and help adults maintain healthy metabolism. In children, these hormones are responsible for growth and normal development. Out of the two, T3 is the more active hormone. T4 is converted into T3 in the body. Hypothyroidism, which is the condition for which Synthroid was designed, results in reduced metabolism. As a result, extreme tiredness, weight gain and low tolerance to low temperatures can be experienced. Synthroid adds more T4 and helps your body function the way it's supposed to. Because it's a synthesized hormone and notching else, it rarely causes any side effects.

Even though Synthroid is the most commonly prescribed drug for managing hypothyroidism, it does not work for every single patient taking it. This happens because this drug is made up of just one thyroid hormone - T4 or levothyroxine, because some of it will get converted to the more active T3 in the body buy synthroid online. The idea is that Synthroid improves the thyroid function by normalizing the levels of three hormones - T3, T4 and TSH. Since some patients continue experiencing their symptoms while on Synthroid, in some cases a T3 medicine may be added to the therapy to make sure such non-responsive patients gets the most benefits out of their treatment. But whether that T3 and T4 combination is a better solution than a single hormone therapy (just Synthroid being taken) is determined by a doctor for each individual patient order synthroid.

To get your thyroid hormones to the right level, you will require regular blood tests to see if the initial dose prescribed is working for you. With the way Synthroid works, once you have started the treatment, you will have to continue it for the rest of your life to maintain proper thyroid hormone levels. Factors such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause and aging may change your needs, so your dose will need to be adjusted synthroid without prescription.

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