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ReVia Indications and Dosage

ReVia is an opioid antagonist intended for the treatment of alcoholism and addition to narcotics in adult patients. In some cases it may be used for fast opioid detoxification, although a treatment course with ReVia is usually required after that (up to 12 months).

For the treatment of alcoholism, ReVia should be taken at the dose of 50 mg naltrexone every 24 hours (once daily). This medicine can be given to patients diagnosed with alcoholism only of they are willing to do something about their alcohol dependence and do not have any active or serious liver or kidney problems. For the treatment of opioid dependence, ReVia should be taken at the dose of 25 mg naltrexone. If the patient reacts as expected, the dose will be increased to 50 mg taken once a day.

ReVia needs to be taken at regular intervals, at the same time every day, as that way it will be most efficient. You can also take this drug with some food, but the routine should always be exactly the same. If you miss a dose of ReVia, you should skip that dose and return to the regular treatment schedule, taking the next dose as directed. You must never take two doses of ReVia at once, because unpleasant and even dangerous reactions may occur.

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