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Today special price for Nolvadex


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Nolvadex Indications and Dosage

Nolvadex can be taken for the treatment of breast cancer after radiation or surgery, to stimulate ovulation, as well as to prevent and treat estrogen receptor positive cancers. Nolvadex is also often prescribed to prevent invasive breast cancer in female patients likely to develop the disease because of being in the high risk group. Nolvadex is available at dosages of 10 and 20 mg tablets. It can also be used as solution that contains 10 mg of the active ingredient tamoxifen per 5 ml. The standard dose of Nolvadex can be anywhere from 10 mg to 40 mg a day.

For the treatment of metastatic breast cancer and to prevent the disease from developing, Nolvadex is usually taken at the dose of 20 mg every 24 hours or 10 mg every 12 hours for a period of 5 years. When used for stimulating ovulation, Nolvadex can be taken at the dose of 5 mg to 40 mg depending on the patient's individual needs, every 12 hours for four days. Your doctor's recommendations may be different if your condition or certain aspects present have to be taken into account. This medicine can be taken with some food or just a glass of water. For the therapy to be most efficient, it's crucial to take the exact dose prescribed at regular intervals with no interruptions.

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