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Today special price for Nolvadex


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May we suggest

Nolvadex Warnings and Precautions

The benefits of Nolvadex treatment should be discussed in advance with a qualified healthcare professional to see if there are any risks associated with it. In very rare cases, Nolvadex may cause strokes, uterine cancer and blood clots in the legs or lungs, which should be discussed if you are going to take it for reducing the risk of breast cancer. Nolvadex should not be used by women that are pregnant, because it can harm the baby and affect its development. There is not enough information on how and whether Nolvadex can pass into breast milk, although it can reduce the production of milk in the nursing mother.

Before you start the treatment, it makes sense to discuss any other medical issues you have with your doctor. That way, you will be making sure the dose you are prescribed is safe and efficient, while no other conditions will be affected by your treatment. You should always make sure to mention you have a history of blood clots, allergies to any drugs, high cholesterol levels, any vision problems (especially cataracts), weakened immune system, low white blood cell count or low levels of calcium in the blood. If there are any other serious or chronic conditions, make sure you mention those as well for the treatment to be adjusted properly to your individual needs.

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